Get a Free Quote!Please fill out the form below and we will provide you with a quote shortly! Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone * (###) ### #### What city do you live in? (Please provide the cross streets) * Have you or the other party lived in Arizona for the last 90 days? * Yes No Have the minor child(ren) lived in Arizona for the past six months? * Yes No Not applicable Do you currently receive any government assistance such as SNAP ("food stamps"), AHCCCS health insurance, etc. for yourself or your minor child(ren)? * Yes No Do you have an existing family court case in Arizona? * Yes (if so, please provide the case number in the comment box below) No I'm not sure I have a family court case in another state/territory What are you trying to accomplish? * (Please select all that apply) Divorce with Minor Child(ren) Divorce without Minor Child(ren) Establish Paternity, Custody, Parenting Time, and/or Child Support Emergency/Temporary Orders Modify Custody and/or Parenting Time Modify Child Support Enforce Custody and/or Parenting Time Enforce Child Support Grandparent Visitation Register an Out-of-State Family Court Case in Arizona Something Else (please explain in the comment box below) What is the other party's name? * First Name Last Name Do you know where the other party lives? * Yes No. I don't know where the other party lives OR their address is protected. How do you intend to serve the other party? * Hire a process server Certified restricted mail (where the other party will sign when the documents are delivered by USPS) Acceptance of Service (where the other party will sign in front of a notary) Other (please explain in the comment box below) Do you expect the other party to respond to your petition? * Yes, the other party will likely disagree with what I am requesting. No, the other party will likely not file a response to my petition. The other party and I have reached a full agreement as to all issues including division of property and debt, custody, parenting time, and child support. I am not sure what the other party will do. Is the biological father on the minor child(ren)'s birth certificate(s)? * Yes No It's complicated; Another man, who is not the biological father, is listed on the birth certificate(s). Not applicable Do you have any concerns that the other parent is actively using drugs or putting the minor child(ren) in harm's way? * Yes (please explain in the comment box below) No Not Applicable If filing for divorce, do you or the other party currently own a home or other real estate? * Yes No Not Applicable If filing for divorce, do you or the other party currently own a business? * Yes No Not applicable If filing for divorce, will you be requesting spousal maintenance (alimony) from the other party? * Yes No Not applicable If filing for divorce, are you or the other party involved in a pending bankruptcy action? * Yes No Not applicable How did you hear about Chavez Paralegal Services? * Google Search Facebook Referral from friend, family, or prior client Other Do you have anything else to share that can assist us in providing you with an accurate quote? Thank you for submitting your quote form. Please expect an email from Chavez Paralegal Services in 48 hours!